Happy New Year from the OMFS section of UEMS!
Remember, until the end of January, it is possible to assess your current OMFS knowledge by participating in the second EIOMFA pilot. Instructions are in the PDF attached which includes a step-by-step guide and screen shots including the link to register https://omfsexam.examfolio.com and the password you need (omfsuems2017). There is no charge to you for participating as the costs of the assessment are being covered by the OMFS Section of UEMS. I would be very grateful if all UK trainees would take the time to participate between now and the end of January. There are two papers, with no formal time limit on either. One is 110 Single Best Answer (SBA) questions with a recommended completion time of 2 hours (like the FRCS OMFS Part 1a). The other has 67 Extended Matching Items (EMI) with a target time of 1 hour (half the FRCS OMFS Part 1b). If you are not in a rush, I would suggest leaving the EMI paper for a few days as the order of the questions are not quite as planned at present (the themed questions are not all together just now – it should be sorted soon). You will see your time taken to complete and your scores after finishing. In February, I will let all participants know their overall ranking and ranking against their peers.Finally, I recommend you keep a notebook beside you when you are doing the assessment and to record any topics where your knowledge or understanding is weak. This is an assessment FOR learning not an assessment OF learning. The purpose is to raise everyone’s standards.
Best wishes and, once again, a very happy New Year,
Patrick Magennis
President OMFS Section UEMSPS.