Λάβαμε από την EACMFS την ακόλουθη ενημέρωση σχετικά με το Leibinger Prize:
Dear Dr Rallis
EACMFS is pleased to announce that eligibility for a number of Prizes and Awards awarded by the
Association has been extended to include opportunities for Members who have recently achieved
specialist status.
The Endowments Committee very much looks forward to receiving applications for the Leibinger
Prize by the 31 JULY 2014. (please visit www.eurofaces.com for the application form)
Leibinger Prize:
Award of the Leibinger Prize is designed to support a period of targeted education & training away from
the host programme of the successful candidate. The prizes will be awarded every two years. The
awards are restricted to Trainee Members of EACMFS (and those who have successfully completed
training as specialists within three years of the date of application) and are made on the recommendation
of the Endowment Committee ratified by the Executive Committee and reported to the Council. Applicants
should submit a completed application form with detailed curriculum vitae highlighting career aspirations
and contributions already made to the specialty together with details of the programme to be visited, the
aims and objectives and the gains anticipated. The educational programme to be visited should be chosen
from a list of approved teaching European centres which will be provided by EACMFS. This prize allows
active participation in clinical patient care and normally be of not more than three months duration. Signed
approval by the host and visiting programme directors is mandatory and it is strongly recommended that
prospective candidates seek advice and approval from the respective national bodies supervising the
training programmes. Successful candidates will be required to submit a written report to the Secretary
General not more than three months after return from the host unit. The Prizes will be presented and the
successful candidates introduced at a high profile event in the main auditorium during the biennial
EACMFS Congress.
We very much look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
Julio Acero, Training & Education Officer
Henri Thuau, Secretary-General